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Reality Maker

I won't be telling you anything you don't already know here, though perhaps it will be a reminder of things you forgot. I hope my writing finds one other person who needs to hear what I need to write. I also know that ultimately I write for myself, so I can read what I need to hear. I believe that's how these things go, we're simply talking about the things we need to know.

It's now March and snow has again blanketed the earth. We had a glimpse of spring which was glorious, I'm already full of anticipation for seeing those first verdant tendrils burst from the soil, the first dark bud bloom into frothy plant material before taking shape as a leaf on the branch. I can hear the birds twittering each morning and I can tell they're excited too.

Where once my anticipation would verge on urgency, I would loathe shovelling those last heavy scoops of wet snow and curse Mother Nature for not hurrying it up, I now sit back and let my eagerness subside as I take in the last cold mornings, the early cloak of darkness, give into the sleepiness of winter hibernation.

I am cyclical in my creation, I know this. I often welcome March with an alertness that was amiss the months before. In September I feel a ramping up of activity, the harvest season as it is, and then abruptly I fall into quiet as winter comes to stay. The difference is that now I recognize and honour it, I don't waste my time worrying over it. I know that, just as spring always returns, so too will my creativity, my clarity, my aligned path to walk.

The wisdom in this is that, whereas before I would rush around uncomfortably trying to recreate the buzz of spring and summer in the dormancy of winter, I now comfortably fold into the stillness and let all the creative action simmer quietly inside. I restore over the winter and come spring, behold the wonder of ideas, decisions and clear action that I am met with from within.

I no longer resist this phase, I welcome it.

Imagine if our lives were meant to revolve around pleasure, joy and fun? Could you imagine such a thing or does it feel like a silly notion? The longer I work for myself, create new businesses and entrepreneurial pursuits, I see that all the magic lies in understanding my own cyclic nature and allowing it to be my compass.

Now does our current world support such ideas? Actually yes, likely more than you think they do. It's not just us earthy mommas, cosmic seekers, moon sisters who operate this way. Many 'conventional' businesses do the exact same, just look a little closer.

Throughout the expanse of nothingness I gave way to through the fall and winter I came back to remembering how good it can feel to do things for the sake of feeling good. What an easy concept! Can you just allow what feels good to be enough of a reason to do something?

It was in that sleepy period that all my energy was replenished and a plan of what's to come was hatched. Without pushing or forcing, just came about through contemplation and eventually conversation.

Here we are, in this energetic new year (which begins with the start of March) and things feel indeed new. A vision I had for months, of packing up beautiful things I love to send to people all around North America, is coming to fruition - right now, as I write this, I sit along three packages waiting to be sent out from my new shop, Hive Wellbeing.

I believe that what I desire already exists, the act of me desiring it is evidence of its existence. It exists in a timeline just parallel to this one (don't let me lose you here). There are dozens of exercises I could give you to illustrate this belief and that's what I did through my previous coaching work and guidebooks. But for the sake of keeping this simplistic, harken back to any one moment in your life where what you now experience as your reality was only a desire. It can be the loving marriage you're in, the job you have, the mattress you sleep on, the face wash you used this morning.

There is the proof that you are a creator of your reality, in case you weren't certain.

I share all of this now with you because where I had a knowing of all this I now embody it. Yes of course everything is an evolution, I surprise myself at how different my desires can be from month to month, year to year. But it feels more concrete within me that I needn't worry or fret over how things will unfold, I needn't stay hellbent on things going only one way. I welcome the surprises in store, relaxing into the position of not needing to have it all figured out.

This year will be yet another one filled with uncertainty; my lease on my beautiful home ends in a matter of months, the school-experiment we embarked on with the girls is in its final stage, the brand new business I've opened is teetering on its wobbly baby-legs, Steve's reopening of his construction business is also in its infancy. So many changes will ensue over the next few months, things I can't quite imagine yet will be my reality in such a short time.

Though my examples are all obvious signals of impending change, not everyone lives with that level of uncertainty I know, we all truly can't know what changes await us. I encourage you to meet that with curiosity, wonder, joyful expectation.

I don't believe we get ultimate control over what will transpire but I do feel sure of our co-creation. All I want to impart about that is that if we let go of resistance, of meeting each situation with absolute control, then we can be open to what can be seen as happenstance, of coincidence, of miracles.

If we allowed joy to be the driving force in the decisions we make I wonder what ripple effect that might have on our individual lives, our collective experience here on earth.

Each day I meet with a grateful heart, sure that without knowing what will next happen most of it will be good. And any that isn't will offer an opportunity to know more clearly what I do desire, will call it closer to me. Joy in the everyday moments, everything else is icing on the cake.

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